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The Care and Feeding of...
Lid not closed --
"over-fill"charge of $128, per dumpster, per week.
Dumpster lids must be fully closed or we can get assessed an over-fill charge.
Boxes not broken down
Boxes not collapsed take up space, making a dumpster hold less, ultimatly costing us more.
Empty boxes, throwing away "air", wasted space
Over-fill surcharge
Construction debris, also on ground in front of dumpster. Contractors?
Missed the dumpster...
I have no words...
Huge tarp, filled with lumber and construction debris, not even close to being able to close the lids.
Took over an hour to cut the contained lumber to where the lids could be closed.
Unwanted hobby horse, broken
Had to be taken apart and pieces loaded into dumpster. Disposal truck doesn NOT take trash left beside dumpsters.
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