WCR Fence Repairs
Via Warren Dold:
Jose Palacios called about 20 minutes ago to say he has completed the fence section along the 1,360’ common line between Legacy Ranch and Wolf Creek. This is the final segment of the perimeter fence replacement plan endorsed by the board initially in 2013, except for the 4,390’ leg between the SWC of ER-4B (Snyder) to the SE’ly corner of ER-9B. That section is in relatively good condition, meaning it is for generally able to turn cattle in it’s current state repair, according to Barney Baker. Barney wants to use this section to teach his son and grandsons how to repair/maintain fence. For now, we have chosen at Barney’s request not to replace this line of fence.
Like the several annual sections of fence replaced after 2013, we have shared all costs along our shared common line between WCR and the Baker Ranch on a 50/50 basis. The subject fence line is shared with Denny Holman and Fred Ball who also agreed to split the cost for this 1,360’ fence section.
Our agreement with Jose' is $2.50/lineal foot using steel T-posts and 7 strands of barbed wire from the NEC of ER-13B to the northeasterly-most corner of the ranch Common Area along WCR Road. We also asked Jose’ to replace the gate about mid-way between these two points for the periodic need to move cattle between pastures and as an alternate escape for owners should WCR Road become impassable.